Monday, September 9, 2013

I suck at Zoosk...

It's about time we got off our asses!
It has been over a year since our last Blog post and a lot of Daiquiri’s and Life Lessons have been consumed in that time! We once had a plan to put together 10 to 15 topics, have our members each write on the subjects and after some much needed editing, put together a book…we got through one topic. I blame myself mostly. I fell in love, learned a few more life lessons, and now it’s time to get back on track. I know that at least one of our members has another Blog in the works, centered around hash tags (#) but I figured since my most recent life lesson was learned on love, and one of our topics at one point was going to be based off of the book, “I Suck at Girls” that this may be a good subject to get going with once again. I’ll probably only touch base on the newest of love lessons learned in this blog as the wound is still pretty fresh but as Henry Miller said, “The best way to get over a woman is to turn her into literature.” At BDandLL…we have to settle for a Blog!

So, I’m not so hot when it comes to relations with the opposite sex, I think if you know me…you know this to be true. For the most part I believe that girls do tend to enjoy my company, and I think I’ve made at least one or two of them laugh over the years…but it turns out I just don’t currently have that “it” factor when it comes to settling down. Now I know what you’re thinking, this is going to be one of those “woe is me” type rantings but it’s not, I promise. I’m just going to try and give you a few examples of my failures at love and hopefully you can relate a bit, or at least get a laugh off of my misery!

There has certainly been a lot of girls over the years that I have been attracted to, be it looks, sense of humor, overall personality, etc. and when I find someone that I enjoy, I generally go after them. Life’s too short not to take chances and for the most part I would consider this a rewarding endeavor, even if I completely struck out, like the time some lovely co-ed had me give her a ride back to her place, showed me her room and talked about how comfortable her bed was, at which point I said,” it does look comfy! Oh, I guess my rides leaving, see you later!” I may have had a few cocktails at that point and when I realized what I had done and tried to call her the next day…she seemed to have forgotten who I was, but…life and love went on.

The first really bad breakup I ever had came my sophomore year of college. I had liked the girl I was dating for quite a while and I knew that she was going to be attending college in California the next semester through an exchange program but somehow I thought we could make it work. She being a female, and the smarter of the two sexes, knew better. I took her to a Poison concert (mind you we’re both still only 30) and after having a brief argument over the situation in the car, we decided to end it. Somehow I wasn’t quite in the mood to go to Poison with her after that, so we scalped the tickets in the parking lot and then I brought her home…so yes, one of my worst breakups took place at a Poison concert where I became an illegal ticket scalper, and really the break up made sense, and the two of us are actually still friends, if she reads this she will more than likely have a good chuckle over the whole situation as well. On the way home the song, “She F-ing Hates Me” came on the radio, it’s kind of funny how songs seem to pop up in the most opportune times! Looking back, the breakup wasn’t why this situation made me think I suck at girls, the fact that I thought it would be cool to go to a Poison concert, though, should give you some inclination as to why I continue to strike out…

The next in the line of why I suck at girls came shortly after my mom had passed away. I had seen the girl a few times working at one of my mom’s and my favorite restaurants and never quite had the courage to ask her out, but once my mom passed away I figured it was time to start taking more chances, so like the new man I had become, the next time my friends and I ate at her restaurant I left her a note on our bill that said, “How does Meagan Brumwell sound to you?” with my telephone number…yeah, manly and don’t forget, classy. Low and behold, minutes after we left I received a text message. We talked a few times, ended up getting together for a while, I even took her to Puerto Rico with our family and for a brief moment I thought she may have been the one for me, but then she wasn’t. The result of this break up, and to a greater extent the loss of my mom, was a cross country road trip taken by my brother and I. It was a month long trip that had us visiting a ton of friends and family we hadn’t seen for a very long time and mostly getting too drunk and almost dying in Western Texas. For more on that road trip, consult our “Get Jealous” Blog which we wrote in everyday on that trip. The heartache I felt after that break up was probably more of a combination of losing my mom and the girl I tried to replace her with. She was a great girl, and we had a lot of fun together, but we were both pretty young and both had a lot of living yet to do. On our road trip I would wake up every morning and take pictures of the sunrises over the different landscapes, and I don’t think I realized it until about midway through our trip, but despite the heartache I was feeling, that sun seemed to keep rising every day.

Now, like most of you, I see people post personal stuff on Facebook all of the time and I say to myself, come on man, you’re better than that. I’ve also seen plenty of drunken idiots punching walls and such that you just wonder, what the hell were they thinking?! My most recent break up decided to show me that sometimes, you just don’t think.

After my most recent break up went back to her ex, shortly after we broke up…I did the manly thing once again and posted a nasty comment for everyone to see on my Facebook wall, what an idiotic thing to do. Sometimes the mind seems to just go ahead and shut off, but thankfully Facebook has built in Life Lessons! My comment stated something along the lines of how I had been traded in for a guy with a six pack…and now it seems like my news feed is littered with suggested posts on how to achieve a six pack, secrets to achieving a six pack in 30 days, how to get rock hard abs…FML. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I think as soon as I changed my relationship status every dating sight on the web invaded my news feed as well. I’m sure I still have some friends out there doing some interesting things, but I’ll never know until I finish up this six pack and get my Zoosk on!

Now, punching a wall doesn’t seem like the smartest thing a person can do, and as I’ve now found out first hand, it’s not! A little over a week ago we had a live fantasy football draft in Fargo and got together with a bunch of our friends for it. We started drinking at about 11am, so you know this story is going to end well…

After the draft we decided to go bowling, and at about hour 11 or so of drinking I was informed that my ex had now gotten engaged to her ex boyfriend just a few months after we had broken up…My rational self probably would have just been pissed off and hurt by the situation, but my overly intoxicated self remembers it like a hurricane…I believe I recall my friends trying to talk me down, trying to say all the things friends say to let you know that you’re the better person, that the person you once loved just isn’t worth it…things that may have made sense to a sober rational person, but that’s not who I was that night and so after being told not to punch a wall about 100 times from everyone, I finally broke free and went ahead and punched a brick wall…Now, I’m pretty sure I broke at least one knuckle in the exchange but damn did it feel good…just kidding, it hurt like hell and still does…moral of the story, don’t be an idiot and punch walls, but the only way to really learn this lesson is to learn it for yourself!

The only way that could have ended worse is if I had taken to Facebook to talk about how I had punched a wall. The next thing you would know I would be getting overwhelmed with ads for hand surgery, or prosthesis!

So, as it currently stands…I kind of stink with girls, but I keep trying to remember that road trip and the fact that the sun continues to rise every day. Tomorrow keeps bringing forth new opportunities, and if you’ve read our blogs in the past you can see that it’s pretty easy for us to make fools out of ourselves and to take risks. Love is a leap of faith, you got to be willing to put yourself out there, and even though you may end up getting crushed a few times, in the end I think it must all be worth it.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to do 500 crunches before my IM Date with my latest Christian Mingle match…

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