Saturday, September 21, 2013

On Love, Superheros, and Hastags

Oh dear… where does a girl even begin? Clearly these cats have had a crazy combo of topics under their sleeves these past few months. I don’t know about them, but blogging is hard to get back into. Sort of like working out after a weekend (or two) of late nights and crappy food, ya know? (Damn you Jillian Michaels!)

So let’s just go ahead and get started with #1: Love. Sort of deep for the first topic after a hiatus, but I don’t run the #BD&LL show. (Yup, that #hashtag was for you Pat!) I digress…

Loooooveeeee... (*cue Barry White* Er, wait. Not that type of post. My bad...) I think it’s safe to say we've either all had or know of,  good, bad, and ugly experiences with this topic. That’s the funny thing about life: You can’t really have much of a life without love. (Deep stuff, right?!?) When thinking about love (and life in general) I like to remind myself of the old adage: “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” Swap out the word “treat” with “love” and I’m pretty sure we’d all be set for life. Ok, ok, I realize it’s not that easy, (nothing is, right?) but if we all tried to do as much, we’d all be better off. 

Now if you excuse me, I've got to go pull the glitter, sunshine, and rainbows out of my pet unicorn's rear...

Moving on. #2: Superheroes.

As a mother or two boys, pretty sure I see enough of these characters in my daily life. Superman underoos? Check. Spiderman jammies? Check. Random outfit made out of knee socks and an ice cream pail resembling a superhero? You betcha. 

As someone that has never seen a real superhero movie, I decided what better to breach this subject than a Google search. (Because Bing is for hippies.) I came across a few gems, but my favorite was the “Which Superhero are You?” quiz. (Doooo it!) Turns out my superhero likeness is that of Poison Ivy, followed by Lex Luthor. Whoever that is… 

Apparently this is Lex Luthor (thanks Google). And apparently, I'm he's an asshole.

Considering I don’t follow any of this stuff, I’m not even sure how to take these results. What was more concerning to me was the ads on the site asking if I suffer from ADHD. Um, what was I talking about again??

(Yup, that about sums it up.)

At any rate, I’m pretty sure my time with these characters (superheroes and children alike) is just beginning. So stay tuned readers, stay tuned…

Finally, topic 3: #hashtags. (Thanks to you fellow ADHD-ers for sticking with me!) As a social media guru wanna-be, this topic even seems silly to me. Don't get me wrong, I get the idea. What I don't get is the peeps that feel the need to only speak in hashtag terms. Do I care that you #workout and post on Facebook? No. Do I care that you think you're #awesome #lunch is worthy of a photo AND a hashtag? Nope. Do I mind that you post in #all #hashtags #all #the #time? YES! Stop it. You sound like an idiot. For reals, nobody cares and it's not that cool. Rant over. 

Thanks to the BD&LL team for having me. But, where's my complimentary banana daiquiri already?!?  

#PoisonIvy Out!

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