Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I suck at Zoosk... (follow up)

So we’re really going to blog again? Shit… I only have 10 minutes to kick something out, but I’m compelled to contribute.

I’m confused though… are we blogging about getting burned by girls or punching walls? I guess it doesn’t matter… I have experience with both… I just wanted a little direction. And what the hell is Zoosk, I had to Google that shit! (and yes I did use Google, because I f***ing hate bing!) Anyways, I accidentally have a profile now and have been getting a lot of inappropriate emails from someone with the handle of “pattycakes_3@USB” !?

Let’s start with getting shit-smacked by love. It happens to the best of us. In the past I have been cheated on, dumped on my birthday, and had other notable break-ups that have left me feeling worthless, leading to intoxication, & ultimately to punching walls... usually followed by crying. Actually I take that back… I only punch walls over sports. But I digress.

I don’t have the time to dive into the messy details of my past relationships… but I will say that I’m a better person for having gone through it all. I personally would not be happily married to my wife today if I had not previously had my heart broke by some whore of an ex-girlfriend from Bismarck who couldn’t go on a trip to Mexico without putting her dick-mitts on every dude she saw! But again, I digress.

TO MY POINT: When something terrible happens… whether it’s getting your heart broke, dealing with the death of someone close to you, or something else that’s equally terrible… it’s easy to feel like your life is over and you will never be happy again. It can linger for days, weeks or years… and eat away at your self esteem and general quality of life. I know it did for me… several times! But then you get over it… no matter how tough it is, eventually you get over because you realize that you have a life to live and that crying over things you can’t change won’t help anything. Then as time goes on you grow a little tougher and a little smarter. And you learn to use that heartbreak to motivate you to build something positive from it. You have to grow from your experiences and learn to not make the same mistakes… otherwise you set yourself up for failure. And remember that friends, true friends, really do have your best interest at heart. And even though ladies will come and go… you will have friends there to back you up when life gets dirty. And they will remind you of stupid thing that you have ever done in order to make sure you don’t do it again!

And really the same goes with punching walls… I have to agree that it is a lesson best learned the hard way. So when love, life or sports get you down, I say punch a wall! It really puts things in perspective as you try to wipe your ass (or your tears) with your left hand for 6 weeks! (Right hand if you’re one of those freaky lefties like Kyle!)

Done! Next blog topic please!

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