Friday, June 8, 2012

How do you like them apples!?

For those of you who are not aware of what this week’s topic is about, here are the details:
Challenge:  eat 30 apples in 7 days or less, including one apple core
Reason:  To prove to my wife (and others) that when I say I am going to do something, 97.3% of the time I am going to do it.... probably.  Also, now my friend Ryan has to eat an entire lemon (skin, seeds... everything) in accordance with a dare/bet.
Result: I ate 30 apples in 4 days, including one complete apple core
Speed Bumps/Setbacks: I bit my tongue pretty bad on the first day, and had to wait for it to stop bleeding before I could continue.  Eating 30 apple skins worth of fiber does not agree with your body.  Apples are NOT free, this dare cost me about $23, which I have not yet justified to myself as “worth it.”  My daily routines also had to change so that they would not interfere with my apple eating…. so less exercise and more apples basically!

Some people told me it was impossible to eat 30 apples in a week and some people just told me that it was stupid either way.  Well, in response to that I must quote the great Muhammad Ali, who once said:
"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."

Eating a bunch of apples in 4 days doesn’t really change the world or get me in a record book, but I did challenge myself and surprisingly finish my goal with 3 days to spare. And even if the goal was stupid to begin with, at least I know I can still surprise myself.  Just think…when is the last time you decided to do something that was a little stupid, crazy or seemingly impossible to test yourself?  Or when is the last time you took up someone on a “dare”… 5th grade?  As long as it’s within reason, you really should try it more often.  Life gets stale in the monotony of daily routines and schedules, and sometimes you have to break the cycle and try something different.  Or sometimes all it takes is someone else’s disbelief in your ability to do something… leaving you with something to prove.
            The 30 apples dare is something of a joke that got blown further and further out of proportion.  But even as I sat in my cubicle eating what must have seemed like a continuous supply of apples in front of my coworkers, I was a surprised at how many of them thought I was literally off medication or something.  Is it really that dumb for someone to want to try something different?  I mean an apple is mostly water (about 80% says a non-credible online source), so you can’t fill up on them too easily.  The skins were the tough part for me… it felt like endless chewing and the more I ate the less I wanted to continue.  So I guess it really just comes down to will power and determination to do it.  I wanted to stop after the first day cause I thought it wasen't worth the trouble, (and because I bit a big hole in my tongue), but then another side of me just wanted to see if I could do it… so I kept going.  I ate 18 golden delicious apples and 12 red delicious apples.  I would have preferred to eat all golden delicious, but it was hard to find that many apples in the grocery stores near me that were ripe or that looked good enough to eat.  But the weird thing is, even after I ate all 30 apples (and 1 apple core) I still thought to myself… “I could probably eat another 20 apples in the next 3 days and make it a solid 50 for the week."  But I quickly shut down that idea and deemed it a side effect from the Arsenic in the apples seeds.  I decided to call it good at 30. 
            So now here I am… the 30 apple champ…and what do I have to show for it?   Nothing really, but at least I get to watch my buddy Ryan eat an entire lemon… I am looking forward to that (a video will be posted eventually).  And just to prove to Ryan that I did eat an entire apple core… my wife was kind enough to provide the video evidence below.

I welcome any of you out there who read this article to try the 30 apple challenge… I did it in 4 days, but I think it could be done in 2 or 3 pretty easily.  Let us know if you set a new Banana Daiquiris and Life Lessons Apple Record!  If you do, you should be awarded a fruit basket for your accomplishment… mostly containing apples!  J

I promise my next blog will be better, and will continue to promise this at the conclusion of every blog!

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