Friday, July 18, 2014

100 Happy Days

I recently was watching The Today Show and saw a piece on this “100 Happy Days” challenge. It started with a gentleman who found himself underappreciating the wonderful things he had in his life, a trap I believe we can all fall into. After his friends were quick to remind him that he had a pretty fantastic life he started this challenge to show it to himself.

I’d like to think that we all have something to look at during our days that makes us realize not just how lucky we are to be here, but that life is pretty great. For some of us that may be awesome friends, a great job, the love of your life, or even just an occasional banana daiquiri.

I personally think that I have a pretty great life. There are definitely things in my life that get me down, it’s life, these things happen…but I like to look on the bright side of things. It doesn’t always work out the best, sometimes people just try to bring you down because they can’t stand seeing other people happy when they are miserable, but for the most part I’d like to think that people not only want to see others happy but that they can become more happy by helping others to become that way.

To be honest, I think that’s one of the main points of this blog. When we started it we thought that all of our random stories of debauchery would put a smile on people’s faces. We have since evolved into fewer and fewer stories of nights out and more and more we’re just getting down to telling our stories. Some are sad, some are hard to read sometimes, but many are funny and show us trying to look at the bright side of difficult situations.

When I write I always try to bring forth some humor into my situations, good or bad, because even though the situation may seem terrible to me at the time I think if we can dig through the mess to see the humor or good in a situation then we will all live happier lives.

A couple of my friends recently posted this video on Facebook:


The video itself is inspirational and really heartfelt but the fact that two individuals posted and tagged me and my brother in it was one of the coolest things. We have been very lucky to team up with an amazing group of individuals to raise a ton of money for cancer research in the last nine years and these people are the ones that inspire us to keep doing it.

In the video, Stuart Scott talks about “Never giving up,” but how even though he promises not to do it, he states that it’s hard sometimes and sometimes when he can’t fight he needs others to fight for him.

I think he didn’t just hit the nail on the head as far as a fight for your life against cancer, but the everyday fight for your life, sick or healthy.

We all have our down days, days where it’s hard to see the light and almost impossible to carry on, but we also have friends and family that are there for us to help raise us back up. They show us that whatever gets you down is a temporary thing and that the joy that you have brought to their lives is a constant. That because of you, they are able to be a better version of them and hopefully the same can be said about you.

We must fight for ourselves in this life because there won’t always be someone around to help us fight, but by trying to see the light in the darkest of situations we can hopefully attract others that want to see the light as well. People who will help you regain that view when dark clouds eventually roll back in for you.

My biggest goal is that you (our readers, my friends) won’t need a cancer or any other life altering scare to help you to see the wonderful things in your life and to live it to the fullest. I will be doing the 100 Happy Days challenge because some days the clouds come in awfully dark and it’s tough to see the light, but I want to remind myself that it’s there. I want to remind others that even when things get bad, there are positives in every day.

I would like you to join us in this endeavor. Go to and get yourself registered to start the challenge! If you’d like, use the hashtag #BDandLLHappyDays in your posts and we can follow everyone together! That way when we can’t see the happy in our days, maybe someone else can inspire us to see the things we’re taking for granted.

I’d like to think the BDandLL crew are pretty happy individuals but now we have an even greater opportunity to show the world!

Thanks for reading and joining our challenge! Here’s to all of the Happy Days ahead!

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