Saturday, February 8, 2014


It’s February 8, 2014 which is an important date for the Banana Daiquiri and Life Lesson crew. This day, 30 years ago, one of our contributors was born! So I’d like to start this blog by sending out a very Happy Birthday message to one of our newest contributors, Mike! I hope our readers are getting to know this very creative individual that I’m lucky enough to call my friend through his posts. I first got to meet Mike through playing basketball, which as it turns out is where I’ve met most of my lifelong (so far) friends. We shared a common interest with the sport but as it turned out we shared a lot more interests as well. After our City League basketball games we would often sit and discuss books, music, etc. alongside the fireplace at The Blue Moose restaurant in Grand Forks…it’s been a bro-mance for the ages ever since!

Mike has since decided girls were more his style and got himself married and moved out to California so that his lovely wife can start designing the buildings that will one day define the California Landscape. I’ve been lucky enough to get to see them both when they make a return visit our way, though, and have had the good fortune of talking Mike into joining us at Banana Daiquiris and Life Lessons which is kind of a Life Lesson in its own way. Friends may go their separate ways in this life but the truly good friends find a way to stay part of each other’s lives. Mike’s a great friend, and I hope he celebrates his 30th birthday like he was celebrating his 21st! Thirty is the new 21 from what I understand…or maybe it’s the new 20? Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a “Forever 31” store? It would probably sell a lot of khakis though…

So, Happy Birthday Mike! In honor of your birthday and three impending births and a recent one I’d like to try my attempt at something I think Kid President truly nailed, “A letter to a person on their first day here.”


It’s been a busy year for my friends, with one set of them giving birth early December (the 9th) and two more sets due within this week (Feb. 5th – overdone, and Feb. 12th). I’ve also recently found out that another one of my really good buddies is expecting in August! I have some of the best friends in the world and there is no doubt that they are going to make amazing parents because they truly are great people with a lot of love in their hearts. They also have a great group of friends (hopefully I’m included in this) that really care about them and want to make sure that their kids know love from everywhere.

I started a thing on my bus (I drive school bus for those that don’t know) this year where each day I put up a new life lesson for the kids. They’re mostly sayings or things that have been learned by others over their time spent on this planet, but they’ve been a real conversation starter on my bus and they’ve allowed me to get to know the kids and stress the importance of being kind and living your life to the fullest. The kids have seemed to really buy into it too. We’ve now done a few “assignments” on my bus where the kids first had to write to me about music and what they enjoyed about it, and now they have the assignment to “create something.” I’ve really been trying to stress that I would enjoy short stories out of them but most of the things I ask them to do are just to have them spend some time in thought and hopefully spend some time talking with their parents and family about what they should do and what they are doing. I want them to know that there is more to life than the standard curriculum that they do day in and day out at school. I want them to do things that make them happy, and show them that when they’re happy doing something, that they do the kind of stuff that makes others happy too.

So far one of the families that rides my bus, three awesome little girls, have all created me something. One short story and two pictures, and every one of them are awesome. The short story was on bullying and standing up for yourself, which was simply awesome. The pictures were also very creative and showed me a glimpse as to what the kids enjoyed doing most. One was a picture of a deer and a really cool tree (she really enjoys hunting) and the other was a picture of the girl playing blocks with her sister. The little girl who drew the picture of the blocks gives me all kinds of little art projects that she does in school all the time too…she’s a little terror sometimes, but really tough to get angry with.

The rest of my bus is working on their projects still and I’ve given them a few weeks to get them done, mainly because two of the girls are planning a sleep over and want to do their project together!

The kids talk to me about what they’re working on and I really can’t wait to see what they all come up with. One of the kids told me he was writing an Indiana Jones story and said it was already 37 pages long! He’s a 1st grader by the way…I told him that I think he should write a story like Indiana Jones but make himself the main character, a little bit of a hidden life lesson for him on how he should be his own hero…

But the main point I guess I’m trying to make here is that it seems like more and more we’re hearing how this generation isn’t as good as the ones of the past. That these kids are lazy and we may be screwed when they’re running the country. Well, that’s b.s. These kids are awesome, creative, and kind hearted. They believe in themselves and given the opportunity they will not cease to surprise you, that is if you don’t believe in them. I personally know the good that they are capable of, I see it inside of them and how they treat each other as well as their bus driver. They are capable of great things, they just need to know that we all believe in them and know that each and every one of them is awesome.

So here it is, my letter to a person on their first day:

To: I-Pod Hash Tag Simonson-Brumwell

First and foremost, I’m glad you’re here! Welcome to the world as we know it. It can seem like a big scary place but you’ll soon find out that the people that try to be part of your life really care about you and want to make your life happier and as good as possible. There are a lot of lessons that people will try to teach you along the way, most of the hard stuff you’ll have to learn on your own though. You will make mistakes, but the important thing to remember is to learn from them and the people who truly love you will be there for you regardless. They will be there for you when the times get tough and you need some direction to get you back on track.

If you need help along your journey, ask. We’re all here to make you feel loved, even when you might think you don’t deserve it…you do. We all believe you will do great things and will make the world a better place, but if you don’t feel that way, just remember that you already have just by being here. One of the most important things I can tell you is to do things. Experience everything you can! Make your life extraordinary just by living it to the fullest. “Life is a great big canvas and you should throw all the paint at it that you can!”

When you have bad days, remember that they will pass and that you always will have us, the people who love you, to turn to and who will always be here for you.

Life is short. It’s funny. It’s sad. It’s meant to be both. If you don’t feel every emotion while you’re here, then you’re doing it wrong. Live your life to the fullest, that means experience everything it has to offer. Also, pick your friends wisely. You can’t do anything about your family, you were born into it and like it or not…these are the people who will always be there for you despite the mistakes you make or the hardships you may cause, they will teach you everything you should know about forgiveness and love. Your friends are the ones that you get to pick to spend your time with, and it’s important that these people are the ones that go out of their way to ensure you know that you are important. They may be your harshest critics, but if they don’t tell you when you’re making a mistake, then they don’t really care about you. Their criticism may be hard to take, but realize how hard it is for them to tell you what they do, and realize that in them telling you, they are really showing their love for you.

If you are lucky, you won’t get everything right in your time here. We learn the most when we face the greatest obstacles and I hope you get your opportunity to face yours. When you do, remember that you’re not alone and that when conquering these obstacles we learn the most about ourselves.

I hope you always know how awesome you are, and that you can do anything…so do everything.

Create for the world something beautiful, just like your parents did when they created you.


A bit cheesy and sappy this go around but I have amazing friends who have been there for me through good times and bad. I lost my mother when she was only 57 to ovarian cancer and she, in life and death, made me really appreciate the time that we’re given on this planet. I have an awesome family that truly cares about me and friends that are so much more than just friends, they’re family. I’ve truly been blessed in my life and have been given the ability to pass something along, as we all have, so I do it…may my critics be damned, but I forgive you!

I can’t remember where I read it, but there was this idea where on our birthday’s we should give a gift to our parents for bringing us into this world…I kind of like that. You may be the greatest gift they ever received, but since then you’ve been a real pain in the ass…trust me. So Mike, get your mom and dad something nice today, and the rest of you, do the same on your birthday! Dad, expect a dog…I read somewhere that cats make terrible gifts!

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