Sunday, January 19, 2014

This post is brought to you by the letter N. (Hint: 'N' is for naptime...)

Free time. Everyone needs it. Am I right?!?

Turns out when you have two young, very active kids the free time you once knew of evaporates into thin air. Or maybe it evaporates into diapers. Yes, it must most definitely evaporates into diapers…

Pre-kids, “Manny” and I had loads of time to ourselves. We had hobbies. We traveled. We took naps. It’s funny how you can take all of that for granted the minute you become responsible for a tiny human. For those of us that have either already become parents, or are soon to become parents, we’ve all heard the “sleep/travel/eat at restaurants/insert other non-kid friendly blurb here” while you can bit. And I’m not gunna blow smoke, a lot of that is true.

What people tend to leave out of that equation is that after you’ve had kids you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in a short amount of time. A typical (weekend) day in the “Garner” household unfolds a lot like this:

6:30-7:00am - Get woken up by either kid #1 notifying us that it is starting to get light outside, thus meaning it is “morning time”, or awake to kid #2 jumping (and I do mean jumping) in his crib yelling “GO! GO! GO!” as loud as tiny-human possible. (I may have overdone the caffeine intake just a tad while he was cooking. My bad…)

7:30am - Eat breakfast. Proceed to spend the next hour cleaning the breakfast off the floor.

9:00am - Break up first (or second... or third...) fight between #1 & #2.

9:30am - Read books, play games, build castles out of blocks, knock down said block castles, rebulid castles, change poopy diapers. You get the gist.

10:00am - Complete load #3,762 of laundry since waking up.

Noonish - Feed the wild animals again and finish cleaning the remnants of lunch off the floor and children (and sometimes even off Manny).

12:30pm - NAPTIME! For the kids… You didn’t think I’d say for me, did you?

This is where I find that us parents really shine. Naptime usually equals a few hours hours of what we call “getting $h*t done” time. We basically turn into tasmanian devils and complete projects like nobody’s business. I can get more stuff done in one hour than the pre-kids me would have gotten done all day. That’s right, you can call me “Mommy Macgyver”...

After naptime comes to a close, it’s basically the morning shift revisited. And once each of the mini humans bedtimes rolls around? Well it sometimes calls for a delicious banana daiquiri (or two), followed by an early bedtime. I’m no idiot -- I know how to use my free time to it’s fullest!

However, after seeing “Mason’s” post on how to open a wine bottle without a corkscrew, I’m thinking this is next up on my free time to-do list… 

Whatever you do, don’t count me out BD&LL-ers! I’m still here for the par-tay (and I’m a high-class broad… take that Gretchen WIlson), but my posts will have to wait for laundry load #3,763 to finish.

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