Friday, January 31, 2014

BDandLL (it's a medical condition)

It’s a Banana Daiquiri world, we’re all just trying to make our way through it…

Slowly but surely the Banana Daiquiri and Life Lesson crew is taking over the world…or at least that’s what’s happening in my head…so maybe they’re just taking over my head? Funny thought, what if there really weren’t any other contributors and I just had all of these random personalities?! Wouldn’t that be awesome?! Wouldn’t that just blow your fricken mind?!!!! You’d be all like, “WHAT’S IN THE BOX?!” (A little se7en reference for those of you that didn’t get it…come on people, keep up).

Now, what I mean by “we’re taking over the world,” is that it seems like more and more people are starting to find our blog. We still may never be award winning writers by any means, but it seems like people are starting to follow us a little bit more and more importantly, people are joining us and using Banana Daiquiris and Life Lessons as a way to get their voice out there. We get more contributors (or voices in my head, depending on your definition of schizophrenia) every week and so far I’m personally enjoying the diversity of the blog. It gives some people an opportunity to publish some of their thoughts in a somewhat anonymous way, that is until I post a link to the newest blog on their Facebook wall and write something like, amazing blog President Clinton…crap, you guys weren’t supposed to know he was writing with us…


Alright, I’m back…and I’m supposed to say that I meant George Clinton, we cool now? Can I continue? Thanks.

Many of you aren’t aware that we also have a Twitter account attached to this blog…I’m not very creative in 160 characters or less but I figured in order to build a readership online, you have to take full advantage of every tool out there. I’ve done my best to set up the other BDandLL-ers with the account information for that as well, but so far they’re only good for the occasional blog…I swear, our staff is so lazy…I should really dock their pay…hear that guys, you owe me money now!

So if you’re not into the whole blogging thing but are an expert Tweeter…Twitterer…erer…user of Twitter (nailed it) then let me know and I can put you to work (without pay even!).

Wednesday night I actually got us signed up for a “Snap Chat” account as well…now this thing I’m still not sure how to use, but if you got an invite from BDandLL…yep, that’s us! I’m not even sure it’s something we can share, and I’m sure I’ll just mostly send pictures of bananas but it’s a tool and we shall use it at our disposal! I feel like people will be happier and happier with my work as I continue to dwindle it down. Right now I think most people are like…Christ, these blogs are too long and are pretty terrible. Then with Twitter they’ll be all like, Christ, still too much out of him. Now with Snap Chat they’ll get a sweet picture of a banana and they’ll be like, “nailed it.”
So, let’s hope.

Not much of a blog this Friday, but I have the Fargo basketball tournament on my mind and it’s really hard to concentrate when I know I need to put forth some pretty sweet moves this weekend, and also play basketball. I’m pretty nervous though, because our resident DD for the past 9 months or so is about due to have her baby…so that sucks for us, but in some far off way I guess it’s kind of a good things too?! Just kidding Kristen! Can’t wait for the 30th Birthday Party Miracle Baby to arrive! And now I’ve probably lost another friend…ho…hum…

Happy Friday everyone! Have a great weekend!

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