Saturday, December 14, 2013



        "The condition, state, or quality of being free, or as free as possible, from all flaws or defects"        

As humans, we try to perfect everything. Some things are good, or even great, but we still try to find a way to make them even better. That is why the human brain is so great – We look at a product, and although we may be impressed by it, we still wonder how we can make it better. Companies throughout the world have been doing this for years. Let’s take music devices for example. We had the record player, followed by the eight track player, then came the tape deck (Walkman), then the CD player, and now we have MP3 players and iPods. Every time we come up with a great idea, there’s always a way to perfect it and make it even better.

We can also take perfection into sports, which could be labeled as ‘repetition until perfect.’ I can remember basketball practices, back in my prime, where we would run the same play over and over and over again until perfect, or at least until it was drilled into our heads. This continuous repetition to make a play perfect obviously set in, not only with me, but with other former EAGLES as well. (…and to me we will always be Eagles, not this Rebels BS) Anyway, when we played a game and a teammate yelled “one” when in-bounding the ball, it’s like clockwork. We ran the play to PERFECTION...You can’t stop it and YOU CAN’T TEACH THIS (cue the Rumplemintz shots). Even running the play to perfection, there are still ways to tweak it (or twerk it, depending on if you’re playing with Miley or not).

You may say perfection is not possible, and it is very hard to argue with that. How can you make something free of any flaws or defects? I’m not sure how to do that, but if you ask my parents, they will tell you...they nailed it with me.

Life Lesson: Although perfection may be tough to reach, this does not mean we shouldn't strive for it, work for it, and believe in it. I feel that if we keep trying to perfect ourselves and not worry about other people, the world would be a better place. Every day I can make myself better, by ‘finding a way to laugh, finding a way to wrap myself in emotion, and finding time to think.’ Living the way the great Jimmy V states, and I do believe the world would be a better place. I also believe that this is the first paragraph in my blogging history that truly has a meaning behind it and is not filled with too many jokes. It actually felt good. I guess you do do your best thinking on the toilet.

Although I stated earlier that perfection may not be able to be met...I will agree to disagree with you, and myself, on that point. Refer to the following proof! 

1.5 cups of ice
2 oz. Triple Sec
2 oz. Rum
2 Fresh Bananas
3 Fresh Strawberries
1 Spoon full of Sugar (Makes the medicine go down)
1 squirt of lemon juice (light on the lemon juice)

- Place ingredients into a blender, using the ice crushing feature.
- Serve until gone.
- Then repeat.


Now make a few, sit around with a friend or two, and talk about LIFE LESSONS.

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