Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Real "When It Rains It Pours - Part 2"

When It Rains It Pours – Part 2

Hello Blogging Universe – it’s Barry again. I am back to share more of my journey from the last few months. If you read part one, you know that I had – spoiler alert – left my job and went into the world of unemployment. I am like every other person in the world and have bills…and the best way to pay for bills is with a job. So, I was on the hunt for a new job, possibly a new career. Frankly, I did not know what I was going to do. But, before we get to that fun, I would like to continue the story about when I left my old job. If this story is too long, you can blame Peter Jackson – and if you don’t get that joke, try watching The Hobbit series…

While I was at my old job, I was blinded by the potential for good money.

We had plans to fix up our yard, one step at a time, and I figured now was the time to do it. I entered into a contract to get some bushes removed from our yard, then put in a nice new cedar fence around our backyard. The bush guy showed up first and did a wonderful job. It made our yard look a lot larger. The next step was putting in the fence. Our fence guy came over on a Monday and we went over the final design of the fence. I proceeded to pay for half of the project up front. The plan was for him to come on Wednesday and get everything rolling. One problem – Do you guys remember our Spring? Holy man, it was just rain after rain after rain, that even continued into summer.

Well, two weeks passed and the fence posts were in. We just had to wait five days for the concrete to set and then the rest of the fence could go up. When the crew finished putting in the last post, one of the men came to the door and asked if I had power. Since I was unemployed at the time, I was home and was therefore able to check around the house and determine that we did indeed have power, so the man went back to work.

A few days went by and I noticed that our microwave was making weird noises. Now when I say “weird,” I mean I thought the microwave was going to turn into a Billy Ray song and blow up and kill this man.

So, I started looking into new microwaves. At this point, I was becoming really anxious, because our fence was behind due to inclement weather, our microwave was going nuts, and I was stressed out about leaving my job. With all of this going on, I was at my tipping point.

The morning after the microwave started acting up, my wife came out of the shower saying that the water was a bit cold, so I better let it warm up before getting in myself. So, I waited around for about a half-hour. When I finally got in, it was freezing cold. I showered faster than Bilbo Baggins running scared through the Shire.

So, I went downstairs to check the hot water heater. It is then that I come to the realization that I have quit my job, I have to pay for the second half of the fence, buy a new microwave, and now purchase a new hot water heater. What can a guy do but grab a daiquiri, sit down, and attempt to make it through the entirety of The Hobbit for the thirteenth time?

I flip on the TV and low-and-behold, it goes black. I’m a bit confused by this, so I turn it on again and nothing happens. At this point, I am about to throw my drink out the window, but that would be alcohol abuse…and I’d have to pay for a new window. So, I jump to the next best conclusion – I’m selling the house.

In case you’re not keeping track – I am out of a job, have a faulty microwave, have a broken hot water heater, and now need a new TV. Also, to add insult to injury, our air conditioner decided to stop working as well. Splendid.

I decide I better start with the hot water heater, because cold showers only happen after watching Silk Stalkings.

…Wonder what happened to that show…Sorry, off track.

So, I check the power to the hot water heater and realize that I have an element out. Off to Fleet Farm I go to purchase an element. I then drain the bastard and put the new element in. At this point, I figured I better check the power to the elements before filling it up, because I did not want to sit around and drain it again. I flip on the power and check the elements. WTF, neither one of them works. What could be wrong now? I check the lines – they look good. I check the breaker – yep, still on. I think to myself, “I bet the tank needs to be filled so the water can be used as a conductor.” So smart. I should be an electrician. I fill the tank and check the elements. Still nothing. Seriously, this is just not my day. 

I googled what could be wrong and come to find out that the number one rule with an electric water heater is to never turn on the power with an empty tank. If you do, kiss your elements goodbye. Back to Fleet Farm I go to buy two new elements. I once again drain the water heater, put in the two new elements, and discover that I only have power to half the water heater.

I finally accept defeat.

Keep checking back in to see what I finish first…The Hobbit saga or this blog series.

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